Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Weekend Silver Lake...2009

We went to Silver Lake for Saturday and Sunday...We had a good time...The dunes were packed with all types of riders..we had a blast!!
At Lake Michigan...

Top of Test Hill...

What Brad would like to do to his Dad's Hummer some day....

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Siler Lake 5/17/09

A few picttures from our first trip to Silver Lake this year with the new RZR....

Sunday, May 3, 2009

West Virginia....

some action..scene..view shots of our total I took just over 300 pictures so this in a very little glimps into all of the fun amazing things we got to do and see..There was a lot of day of drizzle rain..a lot of many things to look at..and a lot of sore muscles once it was all said and done, but very well worth it..we will deffinetly be going back..hopfuly sooner than later!!

Say good by to the 4 wheelers.....

We bought a razor..RZR...

The last night we were there Brad got us an amazing room at Chief Logan Lodge..It was amazing I highly recomende it..the resturant was just as good!!