Sunday, April 19, 2009

Cowboy Up

A night out to Cowboy Up..some drinks..some dancing...some laughs..and a lot of good memories!!

Gerry Brad and Mike

Amy and me

me and Brad

Gerry and Amy

Mike, Gerry, Amy, me, Brad

me, Mike, Amy, And Gerry


Amy and I..

Brad and I...

Gerry and Amy dancing...

Brad and I dancing...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter '09

Duke and I waiting for everyone to come over and eat the egg search..and break confettin eggs!!!

The breaking of the confettin eggs after the search...

Me and my sister

Me and my cuz Amy

Me with my parents.....

Duke was obssessed w/ this bucket..

Relaxing on the new patio furniture that my parents gave us..Duke wanted to drink some of Brad's beer...

Relaxing inside...Duke very tired out from the kids..and playing outside...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Baldwin April 4-5 '09

Brad and I went up to Baldwin to ride for the weekend..It was cold..but fun..we needed to get out of town for a few's been a rough week!! Plus we both have been working way too much!!

In the truck after the cold ride..but it was fun!!

Brad and I went into town to have dinner..a few drinks..and to watch Michigan State win to go to the finals!!

State had just won to go to the finals!!