Friday, June 20, 2008

A tribute to our amazing puppy DUKE

As many of you may know we spoil our dog like he's our kid! We couldn't have asked for a better puppy!! He main be a pain at times, but he is so cute you can't help but love him... he follows me around as I'm cleaning (unless the vacume is on), he's on my heels cooking and doing dishes, he's in Brad's face why he's watching TV and Duke tries to give him kisses, he tries to run 100 mph why we take him for his nightly walk, he loves to cuddle, he's always wanting to go out side to enjoy the sun! He also enjoys his little vacations to his grandparents houses, who we greatly appreciate so we can go away on our little vacations :)


Anonymous said...

he is too darn cute for his own good :}

he sure does love his grannie Julie


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you started a blog. They are the best way to keep in touch. If you want to learn how to design your blog there is a link on mine.